Access for 30 days-
Arbitrage Screener *NEW
10 coins
75+ CEX exchanges and 20+ DEX exchanges in more than 10 different blockchains
100 CEX crypto pairs and 10 DEX crypto pairs
5 Telegram chanels (for notifications via our defiarbscan_bot)
Ability to change coins in settings at any time
Convenient CMS (admin panel)
Training materials from our arbitrage Academy
Regular Customer support
Membership to the Closed Arbitrage Chat
Access for 30 days-
Arbitrage Screener *NEW
30 coins
75+ CEX exchanges and 20+ DEX exchanges in more than 10 different blockchains
300 CEX crypto pairs and 30 DEX crypto pairs
10 Telegram chanels (for notifications via our defiarbscan_bot)
Ability to change coins in settings at any time
Training materials from our arbitrage Academy
Convenient CMS (admin panel)
Regular Customer support
Membership to the Closed Arbitrage Chat
Access for 180 days-
Arbitrage Screener *NEW (Web+mobile version)
30 coins
75+ CEX exchanges and 20+ DEX exchanges in more than 10 different blockchains
300 CEX crypto pairs and 30 DEX crypto pairs
15 Telegram chanels (for notifications via our defiarbscan_bot)
Ability to change coins in settings at any time
Training materials from our arbitrage Academy
Convenient CMS (admin panel)
VIP support on all issues related to crypto and arbitrage
Membership to the Closed Arbitrage Chat
Access to the service for 1 year-
Arbitrage Screener *NEW (Web+mobile version)
30+ crypto coins
75+ CEX exchanges and 20+ DEX exchanges in more than 10 different blockchains
300+ CEX crypto pairs and 30+ DEX crypto pairs
15 Telegram chanels (for notifications via our defiarbscan_bot)
Ability to change coins in settings at any time
Training materials from our arbitrage Academy
Lifetime membership to the Closed Arbitrage Chat (Subject to compliance with the chat rules)
VIP support on all issues related to crypto and arbitrage
Convenient CMS (admin panel)